KUALA LUMPUR, 4th September 2023 –A momentous collaboration has been established as Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) and TIIAME National Research University, Uzbekistan (TIIAME) join hands through the signing of a momentous Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This partnership, aimed at fortifying their academic ties, marks a significant step towards advancing education, research, and knowledge exchange between these esteemed institutions.

TIIAME National Research University, Uzbekistan, is a renowned institution that has been at the forefront of agricultural and environmental sciences since its establishment. With a rich history of excellence spanning decades, TIIAME has consistently contributed to the advancement of knowledge in these fields. The MoU between UniMAP and TIIAME signals their shared commitment to fostering academic collaboration and achieving academic excellence.

Inaugurated in 1929, TIIAME National Research University boasts a legacy of innovation and dedication to research and education. The signing of this MoU symbolizes the institutions' joint efforts to address the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century through collaborative initiatives. The areas of cooperation outlined in the MoU include:

  • Exchange of students
  • Exchange of faculty members and researchers
  • Joint academic programs
  • Collaborative research projects, lectures, symposia, and seminars
  • Joint research and development initiatives
  • Shared workshops and training programs
  • Exchange of academic publications
  • Collaboration in UniMAP's Doctoral/Master/Bachelor programs
  • Cooperation in offshore programs
  • Identification of additional academic linkages and collaborative projects

This collaboration not only reflects the institutions' commitment to academic excellence but also aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, this partnership fulfills SDG 17, which emphasizes the importance of global partnerships for sustainable development, as well as SDG 7 and SDG 13, which focus on affordable and clean energy and climate action, respectively.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of global challenges, UniMAP and TIIAME National Research University emphasize the significance of international collaboration in shaping a brighter future. This partnership aligns perfectly with the ideals of academic cooperation and innovation, driving both institutions to contribute positively to society.

The signing of this MoU is particularly timely, given that UniMAP is organizing the Global Trends in Engineering, Science & Technology Congress 2023 (GTEST2023). TIIAME's active involvement as a joint organizer in the International Conference of Biomass Utilization and Sustainable Energy 2023 (ICoBiomasSE 2023) underscores their commitment to sharing knowledge and insights at this esteemed event.

The MoU signing ceremony saw the participation of UniMAP's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Ts. Dr. Zaliman Sauli, and TIIAME's Rector, Professor Dr. Bakhadir Mirzayev, who signed on behalf of their respective institutions. The ceremony was also graced by the presence of UniMAP's Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Ir. Dr. Rizalafande Che Ismail, and TIIAME's Head of Centre for Innovation & Research,Professor Dr Obid Tursunov.

In his address, Professor Dato’ Ts. Dr. Zaliman highlighted the transformative potential of this partnership and its role in shaping the future of education and research at both institutions. As UniMAP and TIIAME embark on this collaborative journey, they anticipate that this MoU will serve as a foundation for innovative research, educational initiatives, and meaningful contributions to the academic community and society as a whole.